The Back Story

Charming Quail™ Jewelry Design was founded in Fort Collins, Colorado by Alex Reynolds. He launched the business in October of 2023. It was founded out of love for designing. After designing at Darvier Jewelry Design Studio he learned a love for designing jewelry. It was fun working with functional products that left so much room to play with the beauty. With wedding sets being the bread and butter of the business, it was a joy designing things that were so deeply, personal and meaningful to the people wearing them.

But as the story goes, Covid hit in 2020, and Alex made the choice to step away from all of that to be home with his boys. Not only was it awesome getting more time with the kiddos, but it also solved the problem of how to deal with online school from the house. Those were some great times, but after a few years both the boys were in elementary school, and it was time for Dad to get back to work.

That’s when Charming Quail™ Jewely Design was born, though at the time it was called Reynolds Design and Innovation (a.k.a. ReynoldsDandI). Work started by offering jewelry focused CAD services to stores. That helped get the business off the ground. As I write this, we are working on developing jewelry lines for some stores that are excited to see where this goes. And there is a lot more on the horizon that we can’t wait to share.

As for Alex, the founder, he was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, the melting pot of the south. After growing up a southern gentleman, he ventured out to Colorado to study engineering at CSU. After over a year of closing the library down every night doing calculus, and no sign of designing anything, or playing with new concepts in sight, he switched over to another interest of his, studying people’s needs and wants. While studying marketing, Alex heard about Industrial Design, which sounded more up his ally than engineering. So after getting his business degree, he made his way back home to Auburn University, to study at one of the best Industrial programs in the country.