Honeybee Ring - The Story

This one started with a conversation with one of my clients. I was picking their brains for some interesting ideas to design around and doing something based on honeybees came up and sounded brilliant. I had done a bee pendant for one of the employees there years ago. It was yellow gold and utilized a thickly rutilated quartz that resembled the stripes on a bumble bee’s butt. That one turned out beautifully, so I was excited to work on a bee theme again.

I started with the idea of a ring that was made of a honeycomb shaped filigree, but I was just warming up and as usual, I hated it. So I kept working on ideas.

The first sketch/idea

The 1st Idea

Then I came up with an idea to create a simple solitaire with a halo made of honeycomb shapes. Of course it would all be yellow gold, but wouldn’t it be fun to have some of the holes as open space, and others filled with a honey colored stone. It would be a great way to give it a little more unique and organic look, and to more closely resemble a real honeycomb. I’m no expert on the subject so maybe I’m getting this all wrong, but when I think of a honeycomb, I think of some of the spaces full and some of them empty.

As for the band, I’d use a hexagon shaped profile with a comfort fit on the inside for practicality. And the original idea was to use a round, white moissenite for the center stone, but after thinking about it for a while, and chatting with some people about it, I think it would look much more interesting with an hexagon cut stone, maybe in a yellow or golden brown color.

Well what do you think of the design? Are you a big fan of honeybees? If so I’d love to hear your feedback and thoughts. Would you love one of these for yourself? Is there something you would change about? Let me know in the comments below. Maybe you could help inspire my next honeybee creation.

The Final Honeybee Ring Design...so far


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