Caged Stones Ring Design, Refined & Rough?

Check Out the Latest Fun from Charming Quail™. Watch the new caged stone design come to life and evolve as you listen to the story behind it, or keep reading. Whatever tickles your fancy.


So this design started when I was waiting for my kids to finish their after school activities. I was just trying to brainstorm something weird and crazy, even if nobody would ever wear it. It was yellow gold with a white diamond inside what almost looked like a bird cage on top of the ring. You can see it in one of my earlier Youtube Shorts called Designing Caged Stone Ring. It didn’t get many views or likes, which didn’t surprise me since it was weird and impractical, so I moved on and didn’t give it another thought.

Well, a few months later my parents come out to visit and I was flipping through some of my designs to show my mom what I’d been working on. She was very kind, but clearly none of them were knocking her socks off. Again, I wasn’t surprised. I was still warming up my design muscles. But later I happened to show her the quick sketch video of the caged stone design and she immediately exclaimed, “Well now I’d wear that.” with enthusiasm. Now I was surprised. Out of all the stuff I was drawing up, my mom was enthusiastic about the wackiest, and least practical of them all. I didn’t see that coming. So that stuck with me.

As time went on I went to look for the original sketch to eventually realize I’d deleted it off my tablet before backing it up. Oops. Since then I’ve been wanting to take some time to redraw it so I could add it to my portfolio, and maybe give it another run on Youtube. Some new ideas on how to execute it had been wondering around my head, but life was busy and it was hard to slow down and sketch.

Well one Saturday afternoon it was time to go pick up the grocery order at Walmart. Being the weekend I had a feeling it’d be a long wait, so I tossed my tablet in the truck and off I went. I was right about the wait, so I pulled out the tablet and started sketching away.

This time I went with a rose gold and multiple blue sapphires. Some of the most beautiful rings I’ve ever seen have been that color combo. Something about those colors just look gorgeous together. It also creates a strong contrast which will really show off the caged stone design. But instead of going with a large bulbous bird cage like shape, I went with something that was still large and bold, but smoother and more practical to wear. The cage bars are positioned to generally cover the edges of the stone, but show off the table, or most of the face of the stone. It also uses bars crisscrossing this time to create a more sturdy, yet elegant design.


Sketch of a rose gold ring with caged sapphire stones

The sketch is rather rough and leaves plenty of room for further refinement, like maybe twisting the bars for more visual interest in the minor details of the ring. But what do you think? Would you wear this? Do you think my mom will still want to wear it? What would you change? And do you feel like you can relate to the caged stones? If you do, I’d love to hear why. I feel like this ring could lead to a lot of interesting stories. What do you think?


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